Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Great Lakes Ice Cover 75 Percent

Today the President of the United States is opening up "climate hubs" throughout the United States. That's a good thing for we all know that hiring federal employees is the right prescription for cooling down the planet. Look around us. It is already working.

The Canadian Ice Service reports that ice coverage on the Great Lakes is bumping up against 75 percent.

Great Lakes ice coverage by week, Canadian Ice Service, Environment Canada

The Great Lakes are entombed in a deep freeze this winter (the blue bars) that measured by surface area is about two and half times what is normal (the green line) for this time of year. Through February 5 the Great Lakes ice cover is almost twice the normal seasonal peak, which occurs much later in the season.

Just a few weeks ago scientists, you know, those guys who give you the all-encompassing theory of global warming, "forecast up to 62 percent of the Great Lakes' surface will experience ice cover during the current 2013-14 winter season, up from an average of 51 percent." We've blown right through that. Do not pay attention. Carry on. Good luck to all.

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