Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Phony Furloughing for the Sequester

Like virtually every claim made with respect to the parade of the Sequester's horribles, civilian employee furlough days at the Pentagon and DOD installations nationwide were grossly exaggerated. The number of non-uniformed personnel furlough days for the fiscal year (ending September 30) started out at 22, dropped to 11 and now actually will be more like 6, according to the AP. 

One of the most absurd claims about the DOD belt tightening came early on from the Governor of Hawaii, carping about the sequestering impact on his locals.
The plain fact is, that will undermine our capacity for readiness at Pearl Harbor. And if that doesn't symbolize for the nation that, far from overstating anything, it is zeroing in on a graphic example of what happens when we fail to meet our responsibilities congressionally. You don't want to undermine that capacity to be able to respond.
We called it then and there a "phony alarm."  

As far as I can tell, there hasn't been a Japanese sneak attack.  Maxine Watters said the sequester would "cost 175 million jobs." Education Secretary Arnie Duncan said 40,000 jobs would be lost in education alone.  The White House said 13,000 people would be going down one way or another in Montana.  Obama said first responders wouldn't be able to respond, teachers would lose their jobs, hundreds of thousands of people would not receive medical care, the US would lose its ability to respond to threats and hundreds of thousands of people would lose their jobs.  The national parks wouldn't reopen in the spring because the roads would not be plowed.  Lies, all lies, from the left to justify outrageous spending and passing along humongous debt to our children. 

Debbie Wasserman Schulz complained that lunch prices for hill staffers would go up a couple of bucks as food subsidies were withdrawn.   She was right about that....awwwwww!

Enough said.

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